Lojer Medical Service

For the Entire Life Cycle of the Product

It is critical to the safety of both patients and healthcare workers that healthcare equipment remains in good order and fulfils the relevant standards for the whole of its life cycle. Throughout the usable life of a piece of medical equipment (over 15 years), servicing and spare parts costs are significant in comparison to original purchase costs.  Lojer complements its comprehensive range of hospital equipment by offering its customers a wide range of maintenance and service solutions to keep their products in good order.


Care Contracts

A totally new kind of concept, our Functioning Care Facility service ensures that a hospital or care facility always has safe, working equipment. Lojer owns and takes full responsibility for the equipment and its maintenance; the customer has a facility with modern equipment that functions as it should, and where equipment is fully maintained and serviced regularly by the manufacturer.

Read more about Care Contract »



Long-term rentals (leasing) are equipment rentals lasting years. No capital is tied up in equipment, and the costs are easy to budget for years in advance, lessening the financial risk associated with procuring equipment. After the rental period the equipment returns to the seller, who takes care of its residual value.

Read more about Leasing »


Spare Parts

We provide statutory annual maintenance, repair service and spare parts for our customers all over Finland and spare parts all over the world - including products nor manufactured by Lojer. With professional maintenance, the equipment lasts for a long time and the life cycle cost decreases. 

Read more about Lojer maintenance »



We deliver our products quickly and as agreed, all over the world.

Read more about delivery »


In addition to buying, we also offer other purchase methods such as leasing.

Read more about financing »


Maintenance and spare parts - also for other manufacturers' products.

Read more about service and spare parts »

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