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    This accessibility statement applies to and and and and and it has been updated on 31.03.2023.

    The accessibility of the service has been assessed by the website developer.

    Accessibility status of the digital service

    Partially meets accessibility requirements.

    • Not all images and links have been tagged with alternative text 
    • There is no textual equivalent or audio file with equivalent information for videos
    • There is no descriptive textual equivalent or descriptive audio description for videos
    • Pdf files do not meet accessibility criteria
    • Shortcomings in the order of titling
    • Shortcomings in contrasts of components
    • Tables do not fully meet accessibility criteria

    Did you notice an accessibility issue on the site? Let us know and we will do our best to remedy the deficiency:


    If you notice an accessibility problem on the site, please first provide feedback to us, the site administrator. It may take up to 14 days to respond. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, or if you do not receive a response at all within two weeks, you can report the matter to the Regional Administrative Board of Southern Finland. The Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Board’s page explains exactly how to report the matter and how it will be handled.

    Contact details of the supervisory authority

    Regional State Administrative Agencies of Southern Finland
    Accessibility Supervision Unit

    telephone number switchboard 0295 016 000

    We are constantly working to improve accessibility

    We are committed to improving the accessibility of digital services.
    The website has been designed with accessibility in mind in terms of navigation, contrast, readability and clarity.
    The images on the site have alternative texts.

    This website/app has been published




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